
Injury medical capacity assessment

An insurance medical strainability study is a specialist medical examination in which an independent insurance physician prepares a report based on his or her specific expertise. The insurance medical strainability examination consists of a detailed interview with the client at a Sazyes location, supplemented by physical examination and file review. In doing so, the report is based on the occupational health assessment and review of relevant data. An occupational health assessment revolves around the objectification of symptoms, limitations and the determination of taxability. In an occupational health assessment, a statement is always made about the capacity of the person concerned and an FML (Functional Capabilities List) is completed.

There is currently a waiting list for this study.

Occupational health examination for absenteeism and disability

An insurance medical strain assessment is often requested in cases of absenteeism or disability. As a rule, a diagnostic opinion is requested. However, it is the limitations and taxability that have the most important consequences. Indications include complex absenteeism problems, a stagnating recovery, the substantiation of a claim assessment, the substantiation of a WIA file, wage penalty prevention or wage penalty repair.
Our insurance physicians are familiar with the legal assessment frameworks and in that context have knowledge of insurance medical instruments such as the FML.


Insurance Medical
taxability study as a second opinion

An occupational health assessment can be used as a second opinion, to assess ongoing treatment. For example, to check it against the latest treatment guidelines. In addition, an occupational health assessment is increasingly being used in objection and appeal proceedings when the outcome of an earlier assessment is in dispute. Our insurance physicians are familiar with the legal assessment frameworks and in that context have knowledge of, among other things, insurance medical instruments such as the FML. In the event of a conflict between an insured and the insurer, the insured can also initiate a medical report himself. Some policies have the possibility of arbitration. The insurance physician may be appointed as an "arbitrator" in that context.

An occupational health assessment provides clarity on:

An occupational health assessment provides clarity on:

  • questions about the presence or absence of limitations
  • the role of recovery impeding factors
  • determining limitations in personal and social functioning
  • determining usable possibilities
  • stagnating recovery or reintegration
  • evaluating of previous treatments and reintegration pathways
  • identifying treatment options
  • determining taxability
  • determining the prognosis

And are requested by, among others:

  • Medical advisors
  • Company doctors
  • Employers
  • Courts
  • (Labor) lawyers

What is the process of an insurance medical strain assessment?