Intelligence Research by Sazyes

Intelligence Research

Limited intelligence is an often missed cause of disability. An intelligence test or IQ test is a psychodiagnostic examination that measures intelligence. The results can be classified according to DSM-IV or 5.

Such an assessment can be relevant when there are questions from the environment (partner, employer) about the relationship between functioning and a possibly lowered IQ. For example, intelligence testing is used in WSW or WAJONG assessments. It is also possible to determine which aspects of intelligence are less well or better developed, which can be relevant for strength-weakness analyses.

To rule out underachievement, the intelligence test comes standard with validation tests.

Intelligence testing for non-native and illiterate speakers

Sazyes is one of the few institutions in the Netherlands where intelligence testing can be conducted on non-native and illiterate speakers. The test can be conducted in Turkish, Moroccan, or any language.

An IQ test provides clarity for, among other things:

  • Assessing intellectual ability or intelligence.
  • Estimating partial aspects of intelligence.
  • the substantiation of a WSW or WAJONG application.
IQ test from Sazyes provides clarity

How does an intelligence test take place?

Neuropsychological examination

A neuropsychological examination (NPO) is considered the gold standard in objectifying cognitive complaints. This may include, for example, concentration problems and memory complaints. Neuropsychological testing may be indicated when the client's complaints deviate significantly from the findings of the occupational or insurance medical examination. Or when underperformance, aggravation or malingering is suspected.

Unlike a separate intelligence examination, a neuropsychological examination only provides a global impression of intelligence. If desired, you can also request both tests in combination.

Read more about our neuropsychological examination or request an examination directly.