Autism spectrum disorder (ass) examination
Using an "Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) screening" examines the extent to which a person has an ASD. An ASD is characterized by problems in social interaction and communication with people. It is a disorder that is present from early childhood and persists for life. 'Spectrum' means that the autistic disorder can manifest itself in various ways, ranging from very mild to very severe.
What does the research involve?
The study itself consists of two parts. The first part consists of an interview that begins with an explanation of the examination, what happens to the data and a person's rights in doing so. Next, the complaints are identified. In particular, you will be asked about complaints or problems typical of someone with an ASD. In the first part, if possible, an interview will also be held with someone who has known the person well and for a long time, such as a parent, partner, or neighbor. For this reason, you are requested - if possible - to bring a parent, partner or neighbor with you to the ASD examination. Of course, you may be present during this interview. If it is not possible to bring a parent, partner or relative to the assessment, the psychologist will discuss with the client whether contact can be made afterwards by telephone with a parent, partner or relative. This, of course, is done only with permission. During the second part of the examination, a number of tests and questionnaires are administered. These measure cognitive functions such as flexibility, planning and initiative, as well as the ability to move and empathize with (the feelings of) another person. The total duration of the examination is approximately 4 to 5 hours. Naturally, there will be breaks in between. Sometimes it may be important to request additional information, for example from your family doctor. This is only possible with prior written consent of the client.

What happens to the data from the survey?
The data from the examination are presented in a written report. In doing so, the psychologist reports mainly on what is necessary to answer the question. At the end of the report, the data are summarized in a conclusion or reflection. The questions are then answered. The report is then sent to the applicant. In the case of a combination of investigations by different specialists, the data will be seen by several specialists where necessary. In the context of quality control, it is also possible for a supervising specialist to view the data.