ADHD/ADD research
An additional ADHD/ADD examination is indicated when ADHD or ADD is suspected. ADHD ("attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder") is a mental disorder that begins in childhood and often persists into adulthood. The core symptoms are attention deficit, hyperactivity and impulsivity. These often cause problems in multiple areas of life such as school, work, relationships and hobbies.
The ADHD/ADD examination consists of a Psychiatric examination expanded with the Structured Diagnostic Interview for ADHD in adults.
Psychiatric examination As part of ADHD/ADD research
The basis of every additional ADHD/ADD examination is a Psychiatric examination , in which an independent psychiatrist forms an opinion about the presence or absence of a psychiatric clinical picture. Separate from an ADHD/ADD examination, a Psychiatric examination can take place in case of absenteeism and incapacity for work; in that case it provides clarity in case of stagnating recovery or a difficult reintegration. This examination also identifies treatment options. In absenteeism situations, a Psychiatric examination can answer the question of culpability of behavior.
A psychiatric examination provides clarity at:
- questions about the presence or absence of a psychiatric disorder;
- determining limitations in personal and social functioning;
- stalled recovery or stalled reintegration;
- The evaluation of previous treatments and reintegration pathways;
- The evaluation of previous treatments and reintegration pathways;
- questions of legal liability, the culpability of certain conduct and willfulness.
Combination research: ADHD/ADD research with other studies
An ADHD/ADD examination may be requested in conjunction with an intelligence test, an insurance medical load capacity test and a neuropsychological examination, among others.
The advantage is that the individual research findings are interpreted and described in context.
ADHD/ADD studies are requested by, among others:
- Company doctors
- Company doctors
- Insurance Physicians
- Insurance Physicians
- Courts
How does an ADHD/ADD examination proceed?
Additional neuropsychological examination in ADHD/ADD research
There may be a need for further objectification of cognitive symptoms. For example, with regard to memory, attention and concentration. A neuropsychological examination serves as the "gold standard" in this regard. This also applies when symptom validity is in doubt, as in the case of underachievement, symptom aggravation or malingering.