Neurological expertise from Sazyes

Additional studies

In addition to the various areas of expertise, Sazyes also offers additional examinations such as Personality Research, Autism Research, ADHD Research and Intelligence Research.

These examinations can be requested together with an expertise or used separately. It is also possible that during an expert examination the specialist needs additional information to arrive at a proper diagnosis. The specialist can then propose an additional examination in which the underlying need for this examination is clear to the applicant.

These examinations are performed by our (neuro)psychologists.

Sazyes offers the following additional examinations

  • Intelligence research

    Limited intelligence is an often missed cause of absenteeism. An intelligence assessment or IQ test provides a reliable impression of intelligence and related coping skills.

  • Personalityresearch

    A personality assessment is a psychological examination for the presence or absence of a personality disorder. The personality assessment consists of a comprehensive social biographical history and psychological testing in the form of an SCID-5-P.

  • Autism research

    Current guidelines recommend that when a developmental disorder or autism is suspected, the psychiatric examination be expanded to include a developmental history and various cognitive function tests.

  • ADHD research

    This examination is indicated when ADHD or ADD is suspected. The examination consists of a Psychiatric examination expanded with the Structured Diagnostic Interview for ADHD in adults.

  • Occupational psychological research

    An Occupational Psychological Examination (APO) is often used when an employee suffers from psychological problems that affect performance.